When it comes to electrical issues in the household, it’s always best to seek advice from the experts. It comes as no surprise that electricity is complicated, dangerous, and should not be messed with – unless of course, you’re qualified and know what you’re doing!
Amateur electrical repair work can cause more damage than repair, and you could end up forking out more in the long run! More importantly, inexperienced fiddling with the electrics in your home can cause poor wire connections, overloaded circuits and faulty grounding, which could be hazardous to the safety of your home and your loved ones.
Here are 4 Electrical Projects you will definitely need an electrician for:
Outdoor Lighting
Whether it’s aesthetic or for security, installing outdoor lighting requires an electrician. A licensed electrical contractor can help you check the feasibility of installing outdoor lights, check the safety, and thread wiring to the outside if there was none before. An electrician can also advise on the best exterior lights to use.
Adding Outlets, GFCI Receptacles, USB Ports
An electrical outlet or receptacle is a socket that connects an electrical device to an electricity supply. In buildings, electrical outlets are usually installed in the wall, although they can also be installed in the floor. This is something that you would typically need an electrician to install for you, and likewise an electrician can convert any outlets you already have to GFCIs (ground fault circuit interrupter). GFCI’s are designed to shut off power if water is detected, or an imbalance is detected. This is done to ensure safety and prevent shock.
Call an electrician if this work is required. Improper grounding can result in fire or loss of power. Additionally, contact a professional if extra outlets are required as this work requires cutting into the wall and replacing parts of the wiring. This shouldn’t be attempted alone without full expertise.
Replacing Light Fixtures
Typically, a homeowner can replace a light fixture. However there are a few things worth checking:
- Amperage of the Circuit
- Wattage of the new fixture
If the amperage of the new light bulb isn’t high enough to cover the wattage of your new light, you will need an additional wire run from your circuit breaker. If that’s the case, then it’s best to contact an electrician.
Circuit Breaker Upgrades
When you upgrade your appliances, you sometimes need to also upgrade the electrical service panels. Electric panels provide electricity to the whole home and as they get older, they can deteriorate causing flickering lights, blown fuses, etc.
If your circuit breaker panel requires an upgrade, it’s always best to seek help from an electrician. This sort of work is extremely complicated and requires a professional’s expertise.
At Lloyd Electricals, our electricians undergo extensive training to ensure that they are licensed to the highest industry standards and always following the best practises. The safety of yourself and your family at home is not to be taken lightly! So rather than risk it, call us today if you’re experiencing issues or are curious about upgrading your home’s electrical capacity.