The growth of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) is making incandescent bulbs a thing of the past here on Auckland’s North Shore. This transformation almost always involves little more than replacing one type of bulb for another. However, there are instances where the services of an Auckland electrician is required — especially when installation of CFL or LED compatible outdoor lighting is called for.
What’s the Difference Between CFL, LED and Incandescent Bulbs?
- CFL bulbs are gas-filled, glass tubes containing microscopic quantities of mercury which release ultraviolet light. CFL bulbs are more expensive, but they last a lot longer and require far less energy to operate.
- LED bulbs release light by a process of uniting positive and negative charges. They are the most expensive form of bulb though they last as much as five times longer.
- Incandescent bulbs produce light when an internal tungsten filament wire or coil is heated by electric current. Though they are considerably less expensive, they don’t last as long and require much more energy use.
Why You should Switch From Incandescent to CFL or LED Bulbs
- CFL bulbs can cost as much as 100 percent or more than do incandescent bulbs, while LED bulbs can be as high as 400 percent over CFL costs. These costs may be higher when replacing bulbs for outdoor lighting. This adds up when replacing every bulb in your home. You have to look at as an investment because the decrease in energy use will save you money over time.
- CFL bulbs can last as much as five years before needing to be replaced – about 10 times as much as incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs can last more than three time longer than do CFLs.
Which CFL Bulb Should You Choose?
- CFL and LED bulbs labeled ENERGY STAR have met strict criteria for efficiency as established by a series of measures agreed upon between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. Use of these CFL bulbs will save you money and help to protect the environment.
Now that you know the benefits of converting to CFL or LED bulbs there may arise situations where you need the services of an electrician in Auckland for wiring or installation concerns. Located in Albany on Auckland’s North Shore, Lloyd Electrical have a proven reputation for LED light bulb supply and installation.